Our Services

  • Family Wellness Chiropractic

    Many people believe that once the ailment for which they initially sought chiropractic care is alleviated, they no longer need chiropractic adjustments. However, we believe chiropractic is an excellent way to keep your nervous system in check and help your body function to the best of its ability. Wellness chiropractic care not only maintains all of the progress we have collaboratively made within your body and nervous system, but has many other benefits including:

    • Promoting health and wellness

    • Improving your immune system to help decrease cases of illness and disease

    • Reducing injuries and associated pain

    • Enhancing quality of life

    Wellness chiropractic can simply keep your whole family functioning your absolute best!

  • Prenatal Chiropractic

    There are many reasons to add a prenatal chiropractor to your birth team. Throughout pregnancy, women will often experience a wide variety of pregnancy-related symptoms. Morning sickness, nausea, heartburn, constipation, and lack of sleep are some of the not so great side effects of pregnancy. Research shows that women under regular chiropractic care while pregnant report less symptoms in many cases. This can largely be related to a properly functioning nervous system and better adaptability to stress.

    Regular chiropractic adjustments can also help balance the pelvis, improving alignment in order to accommodate these changes. Dr. Lindsey is certified in Webster technique, a pregnancy specific technique focusing on balancing the pelvis and surrounding ligaments and muscles. Having a balanced pelvis not only helps reduce discomfort in the hips and lower back, but also allows the pelvis to be in the best position or alignment for birth.

    There are so many benefits to chiropractic care during your pregnancy, and the few listed above are just the start.

  • Pediatric Chiropractic

    The most common cause of stress in babies and children is the leftover stress within the nervous system from birth. In fact, more than 90% of babies are born with a subluxation, interfering with normal function. When a subluxation is present, this interrupts proper communication between their brains and bodies. Babies who have subluxations have less adaptability to their life outside the womb. This leads to a much harder transition as a newborn, and, over time, can affect each stage of development.

    As chiropractors this is our speciality! We gently and effectively clear stress from the nervous system so that optimal function can be restored. This way, babies and kids can better adapt. An adjustment to a baby or kid’s spine would use no more pressure than you would apply to your eye with your fingertip. We have kids of all ages that come in with their families for chiropractic care. Most moms in our community start care during pregnancy to enjoy the benefits of a more gentle birth experience, and continue through postpartum and beyond. We see major health improvements while under our care. Common issues for which parents report changes with chiropractic care are:

    • Asthma

    • Food Allergies

    • Ear Infections

    • Sleep issues

    • Irregular Bowel Movements

    • Colic

    • Sensory Issues

    • ADHD

    • Digestive Problems

    • Developmental Delays

    • and so much more!

  • Postpartum Chiropractic

    Chiropractic benefits don’t end once your baby is born.

    The fourth trimester is a critical time for new moms to recover. It is not only mentally exhausting, but physically exhausting as well. We encourage all of our prenatal moms to continue care postpartum and beyond. Dr. Lindsey recommends new moms come in to get checked as soon as possible after birth. Adjustments can help your nervous system deal with the physical and emotional stresses experienced in labor and postpartum.

    Regular chiropractic care postpartum can also help alleviate pain associated with feeding and holding your new baby. Whether you are nursing or bottle feeding your baby, the change in posture associated with repeatedly picking up, looking down, holding, and feeding your baby is commonly to blame for neck, rib, and back pain after giving birth.

    A lot of new moms are anxious to get back to their “pre baby bodies,” but given all that your postpartum body has been through, it must be a gentle and guided return to its natural balance. Using a chiropractor helps with the aches and pains that come along with returning to exercise after birth, as well as tips for proper techniques that will ensure a safe and efficient return to homeostasis.

  • BIRTHFIT Coaching

    BIRTHFIT’s mission is to educate and empower women and mothers throughout the motherhood transition so that each individual can make her own intuitively guided, informed decisions. Through a holistic lens, we provide fitness programs that cultivate connection and enhance awareness through efficient and safe movement.

    The term motherhood transition represents preconception, conception, pregnancy, and postpartum healing. We combine strength training, nutrition, and mindset training to help women prepare for childbirth mentally and physically.

    Dr. Lindsey is a BIRTHFIT certified coach and periodically hosts workshops and training series throughout the year. To schedule a BIRTHFIT consultation, call or email us!

  • Personal Training

    At Fortitude Chiropractic and Wellness, we offer functional movement classes and personal/small group training. Dr. Lindsey is a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer and has a passion for movement and exercise. She loves educating about functional movement patterns and helping people develop stronger and healthier bodies.